Monday, November 27, 2017

Eating the Keto Way

The ketogenic diet is, as you’ve read already, a high-fat low-carb diet that relies on the state of ketosis to work. As we mentioned, this book is aimed to guide you through eating the Standard Keto Diet (SKD), so this section is going to teach you exactly how you can eat according to those standards. If you choose to eat according to a different method of the keto diet, the majority of the information will stay the same. The only difference will be how much carbs you eat, and when you will eat them.

As a beginner, it’s a good idea to transition into the keto diet faster than you may with others. Rather than gradually eliminating carbohydrates, you should consider cutting them out altogether. Or, cutting out the extremely unhealthy ones first, and then about a week or two later, cutting out the rest. The sooner you get the carbohydrates out of your diet, the sooner you can work on kicking your cravings towards them and fully embracing the keto diet lifestyle.

The easiest way to get into ketosis is to make sure that you are eating at least less than 50 grams of carbs every single day. Ideally, you want to be under 20 grams. The less carbs you are eating, the better. You will need to completely cut out and avoid sugary foods, as well as starchy foods. You should not be eating obvious things like candies, chocolate bars, baked goods, and other treats that have sugar in them. Additionally, you should not be eating starchy goods such as bread, pasta, and potatoes. All of these are rich in carbohydrates, and will keep your body out of the state of ketosis. In order to effectively eat this diet and gain benefits from it, you will need to ensure that you are entering the state of ketosis, and maintaining it. You do this by completely eliminating the carbohydrates from your diet.

A general guideline for your food intake is to eat less than 5-10% of carbohydrates every day, about 15-25% protein, with the lower end being the most effective, and about 70% or more of healthy fats. You want to make sure that you really put an emphasis on eating healthy fats, and that you aren’t consuming an excessive amount of saturated fats or other unhealthy fats. These are the types that can contribute to higher cholesterol. You want to make sure that you aren’t doing that. Below is a more in-depth list of what you can eat and what you should avoid. It may seem difficult at first, but once you realize what is carbohydrate-rich, you will have an easy time remembering and avoiding it.

Remember, you will want to make sure that you are also monitoring your drinks. Some drinks, such as alcohol and juices, are going to be rich in carbohydrates. You will want to avoid these, as these will also sabotage your ketosis. Ideally, you should not be drinking any of these things. If you do, you will not be in a state of ketosis and you will not be gaining the benefits of the ketogenic diet. You don’t want to make the mistake of altering your entire eating habits, and drinking the same way as you always have as this will sabotage all of your hard effort that you have put in to eating a healthier diet! For that reason, drinks are also included on the What Not to Eat and What To Eat lists.

It is very important that you avoid foods that are labelled as “ketogenic friendly” as many of these will not actually be ketogenic friendly. Sadly, they are able to falsely label their products and you will find that they are often loaded with products that are not keto friendly and therefore will take you out of ketosis. Additionally, you can occasionally indulge in alcohols and dark chocolate, as long as you ensure you aren’t doing it on a regular basis.

It may feel difficult at first to stick to the keto diet when you see that all of the convenient foods are cut out of your list. You will not want to eat these foods, as many of them contain sugars as a preservative, and this will take you out of ketosis. If you are someone who enjoys convenient meals, you can still enjoy a convenient meal on the keto diet. A great way to do this is to meal prep your food a few days in advance, and simply pop them in the microwave or in a pan on the stove top to reheat them. This allows you to save yourself from having to cook during times that may be busy, but also gives you the ability to stay within’ your keto diet.

It also may seem as though you are cutting a lot of food out of your diet. In reality, you actually are not. You are still able to eat a number of whole and nutritional foods. You are only cutting out ones that are high in sugars or carbohydrates, as these will keep you from entering ketosis and will sabotage your ability to gain any of the benefits from the keto diet, since you won’t be eating true to it. Again, it may seem difficult to cut these foods out at first, but once you become used to it, you won’t even miss them. As a society, we tend to crave sweet and sugary foods a lot more than we actually need them. In fact, we don’t actually need them at all. We like them, however, because they are easy to make and they taste good. It may be hard to let go of your favorites, but in time you will find new favorites.

If you are really struggling to let go of some of your higher carb foods, a good idea is to spend some time before you embark on your full keto diet discovering new recipes. This will give you a chance to explore and create new favorites, without feeling pressured to. Or, if you’re someone who likes to jump in feet first, you can gather as many delicious ingredients from your grocery store as possible and spend the entire first week eating brand new meals and finding out what your new favorites are.

You may be surprised to learn that just because you are on a keto diet doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy treats and snacks. In fact, there are copious amounts of keto friendly dessert recipes and treat recipes available these days. That is one of the great benefits of having a sustainable diet that people can eat for long periods of time: new recipes are always coming to the surface, and they actually taste good, too! If you are someone who loves a good dessert, you can usually discover an easy and tasty recipe for a tasty treat pretty quickly online or in a keto friendly recipe book.

If you are still struggling to figure out exactly what you are going to eat on a daily basis, below you will find a meal plan that will give you an idea as to what you could eat over a period of five days on the keto diet. You will notice that these foods are high in fats, and very low in carbohydrates, and lower in proteins. These meals are easy to make, and you can modify them in any way you desire. Unlike many other diets, you won’t really need a recipe book to get started on the keto diet, as most meals contain whole-food ingredients. That makes it easier for you to start eating this way, right away. As well as to make your desired modifications any time you want!

Keto Diet for Weight Loss: L.B. Daniels

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